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For over 75 years, the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) has focused on research and technology demonstration that directly affects the welfare of the province — helping find solutions for the agricultural, mining, environmental and energy industries.
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Ian Wilson leads a team of scientists, engineers and project managers who are remediating 37 abandoned uranium mine sites scattered across remote areas of northern Saskatchewan. Learn what makes this project and the remediation team unique.
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For mining and energy companies, community engagement is an important component of many projects and sites, from exploration through operation to remediation. Learn why local trust and project understanding are key to successfully working with communities across the life of a project.
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SRC hosted a panel event with four industry experts for a discussion about the progression of historic mining practices—the legacy issues we face today and what we may face tomorrow, and what sustainability really means. Read part two of the discussion.
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The way we extract and process resources is constantly changing. The practices and technologies (and legacies) in place today reflect past industry standards. What are the potential legacies of the future? How can we avoid them? Four industry experts weigh in.
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Rob Millar’s nearly two-decades long career started at SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories in 2005 in sample preparation. He then moved into an analyst role and eventually became lab manager. Learn about Rob's career at SRC and how he and his team have helped develop solutions to meet the evolving needs of industry.
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As supervisor of SRC’s Diamond Services group, Lucy's specialized knowledge and expertise has helped expand the laboratory’s capabilities into diamond breakage and assessments. From academia to industry, learn how Lucy applied her love of science to become an industry-leading diamond expert.
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X-ray transmission (XRT) sorters are a popular choice for mineral processing plants due to their sorting ability, robustness and applicability across a variety of ores, but how can a mining company know if XRT is right for them? Learn how SRC experts combine technologies to help find the answer.
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Uranium mining companies face a significant processing challenge unique to their industry: the core samples they drill and extract are radioactive. When radioactive material is cut, the dust becomes an issue. Learn how this problem was solved with a custom saw box.
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Potash solution mining is used for extracting ore from deep underground, but unlike conventional mining, operators don't have direct access to the potash bed to analyze the geology. This is where SRC's industrial computed tomography (CT) scanner comes in. Learn how CT scanning can help mines better understand their deposits.
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Evolving technologies and processes have significantly altered how companies drill for oil. Take a look at some game-changing drilling advancements, starting with horizontal wells, that occurred over the past few decades.
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Given both global and national pressure to decarbonize operations, Canadian industries are looking for new technologies and implementing more energy-efficient processes from proven, applicable mitigation options. Learn how SRC's CeDER platform helps companies sift through the available technologies.
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Research programs that foster collaboration between industry and academia are an effective way to support industrial and social innovation. Learn about a recent mentorship that led to a ground-breaking discovery for the oil and gas industry.
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With several longstanding climate records shattered in 2023, Saskatchewan’s weather was right at home in a year full of impactful events. This year, SRC's Climate Reference Station (CRS) located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, logged record amounts of bright sunshine, record daily high temperatures and below average precipitation making 2023 the fifth driest year on record.
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During a time when a global pandemic brought industries across the world to a standstill, shuttering businesses and stymying job growth, the Government of Saskatchewan initiated a program to help get people back to work.
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Saskatchewan's established oil and gas industry is crucial for diversifying the energy sector and providing solutions that work for the economy and the environment. With over 30 years of industry knowledge and expertise, SRC is supporting the province as it turns its attention towards hydrogen.
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SRC joined forces with a group of tech companies to tackle the Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program – Pop-up City contest to demonstrate an improved Relocatable Temporary Camp (RTC) with improved energy, water and waste management systems.
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SRC's Safety Program has grown, expanded and changed since its inception. Follow along as we recount some of our biggest safety milestones, projects, challenges and achievements in our more than 75 years of service.
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Lucinda brings her deep understanding of all facets of mining operations and social sciences to her role as Director of Business Development at SRC, working with diverse communities and companies both local and international. Lucinda understands that strong working relationships are the key to business development, especially when providing services to clients.
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