Project CLEANS

SRC is managing Project CLEANS — a multi-year project to assess and remediate Gunnar Uranium Mine and Mill Site, Lorado Uranium Mill Site and 35 Satellite Mine Sites in northern Saskatchewan. The project is funded by the governments of Saskatchewan and Canada and is led by SRC's Environmental Remediation team. 

SRC would like to acknowledge that the land on which we gather and work for Project CLEANS is Treaty 8 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.

Leadership Tour Video

SRC toured leaders from Indigenous communities through the former Gunnar Mine and Mill Site and Lorado Mill Site in Summer 2023.


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2023 Project Update Video 

Learn more about the work that was done in 2022 and hear about the plans and work happening in our 2023 field season.  

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SRC’s Expertise

Our scientific and technical expertise provides the technologies and skills required to meet the complex needs of remediation projects, such as Project CLEANS. We have experience working with communities, Aboriginal groups, industry and government.

The goal of Project CLEANS is to conduct remediation activities in a manner that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements. Once the sites are cleaned up and made safe, environmental monitoring will be done to ensure remediation activities are successful. 

SRC is focused on safe work practices and is working with regulatory agencies to ensure the safety of workers and the public during the project.

community involvement

SRC continues to meet with the leadership and people of the Athabasca Basin region during all phases of Project CLEANS. We hold regular meetings in various communities across the region to provide updates on the project and to hear valuable information from the communities that may direct our management of this project.

Regulatory Oversight

As part of its regulatory oversight, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) implements the Independent Environmental Monitoring Program (IEMP) to verify monitoring carried out by licencees such as SRC. SRC is licenced under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act for the Lorado Mill and Gunnar Mine and Mill remediation projects. In 2023, CNSC staff collected samples in publicly accessible areas near the sites. A summary of the results is made available on the CNSC website. Please contact CNSC or SRC if you have any questions.

Interested in bidding on work?

SRC Purchasing handles all requests for proposals, estimates and quotations to solicit bids for procurement contracts related to Project CLEANS. 

Available opportunities will be posted on the Project CLEANS homepage, as well as on SaskTenders (Organization Type: Crown Corporation > Saskatchewan Research Council). For more information, please call SRC Purchasing by email or phone at 1-306-933-5400.