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Easy access to clean drinking water is something Canadians often take for granted because of the abundance of water sources, from coast to coast. But there’s a lot that goes into actually ensuring the water we drink is safe and clean, including testing.
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One of the Worst Natural Disasters in Canada The Agricultural Drought Adaptation project is the first work to comprehensively assess the severity, area and duration of past droughts across Canada. It...
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The Factor 9 Home was a demonstration project by SRC of a single family residence located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The home features very high levels of energy efficiency and environmental...
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“Do you happen to have a gently used biodigester?” Our biodigester project with the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology started with an unusual question. Isn't that where innovation usually starts?
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When it comes to how to get innovation done, and how to get through the Valley of Death, such discussions usually lead to questions about Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs).
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Having sound environmental practices is becoming important for many companies worldwide because clients, consumers and regulatory agencies are expecting it. Many companies are going even further, taking steps toward determining, communicating and reducing their environmental impact through carbon footprinting.
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Canada’s massive expanse of boreal forest – three million square kilometers – is undergoing a serious transformation due to climate change. A group of Canadian forest scientists is investigating the impacts and published its findings.
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Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) help industry get innovation done, and they normally get paid by industry, so why do RTOs need government support as well?
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Canada’s principal innovation enablers are its Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs). What? Canada has RTOs? You bet. So who are they?
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Renewable energy generation from sources such as wind is largely unpredictable. What if you could smooth out the volatility and make a wind turbine act like a conventional generator? This is exactly what we are trying to achieve in a wind-battery project we’ve developed alongside Cowessess First Nation.
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Nineteen forty-seven was SRC’s first full operating year. The initial strategic direction for the company was to undertake applied research targeted at developing “the resources and economy of Saskatchewan.”
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Most of us know that Saskatchewan is the world’s richest and largest uranium jurisdiction. But did you know that Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are often found within uranium deposits, making Saskatchewan...
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It seems like almost every week across the world, there’s a major online security breach that puts the data of individuals and businesses at risk. Cybercrime is a growing concern and the threats and attacks aren’t always obvious to the untrained eye.
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SRC's Community of Practice was a vital resource during the Lorado Remediation Project, providing resources and expertise to the project team. Find out the two important roles project management and cross-divisional support played in the successful remediation of the Lorado Mill Site.
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SRC's Maturing Years were marked by growth in staff, facilities and equipment and a focus on applied R&D projects for industry and community needs. This led to the next phase of SRC's evolution, the Commercial Years, which were dominated by contracts with a mostly market-driven outlook, increasing SRC's revenue and importance as an innovation enabler for industry.
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Every year, Saskatchewan faces the possibility of disaster stemming from natural hazards, such as severe weather, floods, drought and wildfires. In recent years, flooding has been a significant...
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In 1960, the Lorado Mill was abandoned in northern Saskatchewan, leaving an estimated 227,000 cubic meters of radioactive uranium tailings that covered the mill site and flowed into nearby Nero Lake. In 2008, SRC was contracted to clean up the site, which began a multi-year journey to reduce the risk to human health, wildlife, and aquatic life.
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Advanced mining systems enable remote sensing and decision-making for operators and engineers before, during and after mining activities.
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Key Enabling Technologies are expected to be the most important building blocks for future technological innovation across all industrial sectors. Find out how these technologies are expected to play critical roles in the evolution and sustainability of leading-edge economies.
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For this year’s Take Our Kids to Work™ day, we wanted to remind ourselves of what jobs and careers and work look like through the eyes of a young person. So we sat down with one of our ten students to get that perspective and share it with you.
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