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SRC provides advanced analytical testing and mineral processing services, as well as research and development for models and discovery and recovery of a wide range of minerals, including potash.
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SRC and Paterson and Cooke have joined forces to offer a comprehensive course in slurry pipeline design and operation.
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SRC's Environmental Analytical Laboratories provides radon analysis for homeowners and businesses anywhere in the world. The testing is inexpensive and easy-to-use.
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SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories performs a wide range of water quality tests for both groundwater and surface water.
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SRC offers methamphetamine residue wipe analysis for housing remediation. During the methamphetamine production and smoking process, toxic substances are created and can contaminate the house and its furnishings.
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We offer fully accredited testing in accordance with SLGA requirements for measuring Alcohol By Volume (ABV).
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SRC’s Diamond Laboratory is at the forefront of advanced diamond recovery services. Our team of experts are continually improving our methods and facilities to ensure we’re offering quality service at every stage of your diamond recovery projects.
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SRC's Diamond Services team has provided the international diamond industry with dependable kimberlite exploration services for over 25 years, including: Micro diamond extraction by caustic fusion...
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Our laboratory offers routine testing for heavy metals in cannabis plant material and cannabis oil.
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SRC has worked alongside the uranium industry in Saskatchewan and around for the world for over 60 years on analysis, process improvement, technology development and remediation..
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Our process engineering expertise and valuable processing technologies are available to a wide range of industries for commercial application.
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SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories provides water testing packages for home and cottage owners, acreages and farms.
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SRC has one of the first industrial-type computed-tomography (CT) scanners in Canada designed for petroleum research and development.
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SRC offers petroleum testing and analytical services for a wide range of petroleum products, including natural gases, gas condensates and lighter hydrocarbons, middle distillate fuels, heavier crude components, reservoir brines and pipeline fluids.
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SRC’s Hybrid Energy Container has a customizable combination of conventional and renewable generation sources together with energy storage.
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