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Our laboratory offers routine testing for heavy metals in cannabis plant material and cannabis oil.
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Since 1972, SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories has been providing high quality analysis to the exploration and mining industry.
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SRC has worked alongside the uranium industry in Saskatchewan and around for the world for over 60 years on analysis, process improvement, technology development and remediation..
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Most bubbles we see are round, but have you ever created a square bubble or a triangle bubble? It’s possible! In this experiment, discover how bubbles form with SRC and Wowl STEAM Lab by crafting these fun bubble makers and learning about geometry and surface tension at the same time.
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As one of Canada’s most complete analytical chemistry laboratories, SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories offers environmental test services and expertise in organics, inorganics and radiochemistry.
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Get immediate access to SRC's uranium webinars: Understanding Radioactivity through the Exploration and Mining Cycle: SRC and CIM Magazine co-hosted a webinar covering how to identify and test...
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Saskatchewan's established oil and gas industry is crucial for diversifying the energy sector and providing solutions that work for the economy and the environment. With over 30 years of industry knowledge and expertise, SRC is supporting the province as it turns its attention towards hydrogen.
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Our process engineering expertise and valuable processing technologies are available to a wide range of industries for commercial application.
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SRC is a market-driven company, selling services in Saskatchewan and around the world. Our unique offering of services expands based on the needs of our clients and industry. Drawing upon the...
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Erin M - Author Bio

Erin is a freelance writer, creative communicator and academic who explores stories about science, history and health.
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