Ten-Year Milestone for SRC's Climate Reference Station at CLC

February 8, 2022

We are celebrating the ten-year anniversary of our climate reference station at the Conservation Learning Centre (CLC). SRC has two climate reference stations, one in Saskatoon and one at the CLC, near Prince Albert. These sites collect hourly and daily data to track Saskatchewan’s evolving climate over the long term. 

This milestone year is important to recognize as it allows SRC to now report on 10-year averages in its annual reporting. Using our data, climatologists can create trends and compare the current year events with those of the past. 

Learn about climate, the importance of having two weather stations and why the one at the CLC is run completely off-grid in our latest blog

Subscribe to our monthly reports to follow along on this journey tracking the changing climate here in Saskatchewan. 

src climate station in green field