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Before the end of this year’s Aboriginal Mentorship Program at SRC, second-year mentee Tomika and her mentor, Mark had a chance to talk about their experience in the program. Read some of our favourite responses from their conversation, which we hope will shed some light on the benefits of mentorship.
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Soil scientists have proposed a new type of soil based on the wide-spread effects of human activity: Anthroposols. We task this novel soil to mimic and support our ecosystems, but we're not sure how to measure its performance over time. One scientist is studying possible measures to see how well Anthroposols can supply nutrients to Canada's boreal forest.
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Did you know that lighting accounts for about one-third of an average home’s energy use? With so many different options for light bulbs on the market, it's hard to know which one is the best. We share seven reasons why people should consider switching to LEDs, the fastest growing tech in this sector.
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The Cowessess Energy Storage Facility is the first known wind-solar battery storage project in Canada. With the addition of over one thousand solar panels, the facility now produces almost 3,000 MWh of energy per year, enough to supply power to 344 homes. Learn about how this system works and why wind and solar make a good pair.
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The petroleum industry has used medical-grade CT scanners for decades. Although many commercial laboratories, research institutes and universities use these scanners, the technology has limitations. A high-resolution industrial CT scanner can provide clearer images in greater detail for complex industrial applications.
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SRC's Project CLEANS team travelled to five uranium mine sites in northern Saskatchewan that had been abandoned in the 50s and 60s to conduct preliminary site investigations as part of large-scale remediation project. Learn about the challenges of visiting these sites and the work being done to clean them up.
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Information Technology (IT) teams are tasked with the unenviable job of protecting the enterprise network infrastructure. Learn five ways employees can help keep their companies safe from cyberattacks.
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Climate change is affecting Canada’s forests to a greater extent than other parts of the globe. A climate change vulnerability assessment is currently underway in Saskatchewan and Manitoba with the goal of identifying what climate change will look like in the boreal forest and how to reduce its impacts.
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2019 won’t be remembered in Saskatoon’s history books for its weather. When averaged over the year, the weather was very typical for Saskatoon and surrounding area. While the year may have been fairly unremarkable, there were still some notable weather statistics and events. Learn more.
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Read about the projects and people that made our top five most-read stories published on our site in 2019.
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SRC is one of the pioneers in the field of alternative fuel vehicle work and has a long history conducting research and development in the area since 1985. Learn about SRC’s journey into alternative fuels, including the successes, some failures and even some firsts.
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In the 2000s, SRC’s previous work on natural gas vehicle conversions was broadened to develop and demonstrate a variety of other alternative fuel vehicles that could operate on natural gas, ethanol or hydrogen. Learn more about this next phase of innovation.
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Advanced mining technologies, like sensor-based sorting, have the potential to address challenges the mining industry now faces, including declining ore grades, water shortages and increasing environmental regulations. Learn how we're using sensor-based sorting to develop, test and pilot processes for industry.
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Although cannabis edibles became legal in October 17, 2019, many consumers were surprised that edibles weren’t available that day. Just like when recreational use of cannabis became legal, many...
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This blog post is part of our Diamond Webinar Series with CIM Magazine. View the magnetic separation webinar and white paper to dive deeper into this topic. Sign up now to be notified of the next...
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Solution mining is one way producers can mine potash deep below the earth’s surface. Cooling ponds can become contaminated in the extraction process, which can result in the production of hydrogen sulfide - a dangerous and highly destructive chemical. Learn how researchers are finding ways to control it.
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Protecting our planet and its resources – from people to plants to water – and finding sustainable solutions requires creativity, innovation and courage. Here are four projects and initiatives our research and technology experts are working on to help industry, governments and communities make positive environmental impacts. Read more.
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The results are in for a three-year project to help forest managers estimate carbon storage in wetlands as part of their land management activities.
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Canadian rock formations hold 12 per cent of the world’s rare earth elements measured resources. But currently, no REEs are being processed in Canada due to the lack of a fully developed supply chain in North America. SRC is set to change this with its new Rare Earth Processing Facility.
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Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) are also becoming a tool of interest for upstream oil and gas producers. A methane gas detection UAV is capable of spotting small, isolated gas leaks at ground level from up to 30 meters in the air — a feat that’s not quite as easy as it sounds.
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