This blog post is the second installment in a two-part series about methane emissions. In the first post , we looked at how methane emissions are created and why there’s a push to reduce them. In this...
Government energy regulators are demanding substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from industry. While carbon dioxide is a concern, methane poses a bigger problem because it absorbs significantly more energy and has a great impact on global warming.
Evolving technologies and processes have significantly altered how companies drill for oil. Take a look at some game-changing drilling advancements, starting with horizontal wells, that occurred over the past few decades.
The petroleum industry has used medical-grade CT scanners for decades. Although many commercial laboratories, research institutes and universities use these scanners, the technology has limitations. A high-resolution industrial CT scanner can provide clearer images in greater detail for complex industrial applications.
Did you know that lighting accounts for about one-third of an average home’s energy use? With so many different options for light bulbs on the market, it's hard to know which one is the best. We share seven reasons why people should consider switching to LEDs, the fastest growing tech in this sector.
Like many municipalities, the City of Swift Current is looking at methods to preserve the airspace at their landfill. One option is to reduce the volume of disposed cardboard and waste wood going into the landfill - but how? SRC explored several alternative uses for recycled cardboard. Learn which one is the most promising.
The Saskatchewan Conservation House was a demonstration house built to test energy-efficient methods. Four more energy-efficient demonstration homes based on SRC’s research and expertise were later constructed. Learn about the innovative features of these homes that influenced energy-efficient housing across the world.
As a result of the energy crisis in the 1970s, Saskatchewan residents were looking for ways to reduce energy costs for their homes. Learn about the development of an energy conservation demonstration home, the Saskatchewan Conservation House, which applied cost-effective methods for reducing energy use for homeowners.
Research programs that foster collaboration between industry and academia are an effective way to support industrial and social innovation. Learn about a recent mentorship that led to a ground-breaking discovery for the oil and gas industry.
Energy is an intrinsic part of our daily lives, and it has become so common to simply make toast or coffee in the morning that we often forget how valuable energy is. For National Cut your Energy Costs Day on January 10, 2017, we are sharing seven ways to reduce your energy costs.