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Jaz Gatin is an Environmental Biology student at the University of Saskatchewan and was also a student in SRC’s Aboriginal Mentorship Program (AMP). He shares his experience in the program working with SRC's Environmental Performance and Forestry team.
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At the beginning of the 20th century, organized research, development and technological innovation were quite rare, but this changed with the advent of industrial research organizations. Read more about the evolution of SRC.
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Employee volunteer programs (EVP) are an important way for businesses to create opportunities for its employees to participate in community initiatives. Learn why SRC provides paid time for employees to volunteer.
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Energy is an intrinsic part of our daily lives, and it has become so common to simply make toast or coffee in the morning that we often forget how valuable energy is. For National Cut your Energy Costs Day on January 10, 2017, we are sharing seven ways to reduce your energy costs.
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Did you know that Saskatchewan has some of the highest rates of elevated radon in homes and buildings in Canada? Sandy Hutchison from Health Canada guest blogs about how people can protect themselves and their families from radon.
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We know that wetlands, both in Canada and globally, store huge amounts of carbon. While we understand it’s important to store carbon, reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change, we’re also aware that we need a greater understanding of how best to measure the carbon stored in wetlands.
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As the second leading cause of lung cancer, the presence of radon in a home poses a safety issue that can be readily dealt with in many cases. As many people have not even heard of radon, the challenge lies in building awareness about the importance of testing among the general public.
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Extreme summer weather can have significant impacts our economy, society and environment. We’re talking about hail, tornadoes, plow winds, no rain, hot temperatures - all of which can lead to flooding, drought, insects, diseases and forest fires. It’s important to prepare for these types of weather events, so we can reduce the impacts and become more adaptable.
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The Orange Wheat Blossom Midge fly is a scourge on wheat producers around the planet. The Midge Tolerant Wheat Stewardship group is working together to protect and ensure the future of the technology that is the sole line of defense against the midge fly. Learn more.
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Most people might be surprised to know that wetlands are hot spots of biodiversity in a forested landscape. They’re also a huge reservoir of carbon. And it’s important to conserve wetlands to maintain that carbon in the ground.
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Learn about a former Mechanical Engineering student's experience working with SRC's Industrial Engineering team.
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In 2001, SRC set out to become more entrepreneurial, grow in breadth and depth, and include more work for communities (particularly northern and Aboriginal communities) and for government.
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Canada has an opportunity to become a business innovation leader by supporting and better connecting its existing innovation ecosystem.
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When people think of Saskatchewan, diamonds don't often come to mind. Well, give your head a shake. Saskatchewan has one of the world's largest diamond labs at it's attracting international attention.
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Discovery and invention strategies are important aspects of research and development. Once something has been invented, questions related to feasibility, value and demand come into play, as well as whether or how the invention should be protected.
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Water is said to be one of the major environmental impacts of oil and gas production. While industry has long been conscious of water treatment, both above and below ground, there are some significant challenges facing them regarding sourcing and using water.
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In 1925, Nikolai Kondratieff proposed economies go through cycles of depression, expansion and recession, called Kondratieff Waves. These waves carry technological, social/political, economic and environmental change, planting seeds for future innovations.
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Did you know what you wanted to be when you were in Grade 9? Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national initiative that helps students connect school, their workplace and their futures. At SRC, students engaged their analytical brains and got hands-on with some fun science activities!
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Much has been written on employee engagement and how to encourage and foster innovation within an organization. Our Innovation Forum is designed to encourage conversations and networking across the company, to create an awareness about the capabilities and projects at SRC.
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Saskatchewan, despite its long winters (or what feels like winters that won’t end) is the sunniest province in Canada. The ability to measure and quantify that fact is important for industries in which weather plays a factor in planning and revenue. At our Climate Reference Stations, we use a sunshine duration sensor to help document Saskatchewan’s brightest attribute.
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