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At SRC, we have a robust internet security training program. But not all businesses have this and even then, there’s still a large part of the population—grandparents, parents and children—that don’t have access to this type of training. It’s really on us, those in the know, to talk to our friends and family about how they can stay safe online.
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Need to buy a gift for the science buff in your life? Look no more - we have nine fun gift ideas for a wide range of budgets and interests.
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There are so many books on leadership and management that it's hard to sift through the pile to find the gems. Here is a diverse list of five books recommended that broaden the traditional notion of leadership.
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We’re counting down the most-read stories published on our site in 2018. These are the projects and people that really stood out for our readers. In a time when there’s a lot of good content being shared, we’re thrilled that you’ve come here to be inspired and entertained.
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Take a look back at Saskatoon’s top weather statistics and events of 2018 using data from SRC's Climate Reference Station. Some might be obvious – who could forget the thick smoke blanketing our city in August or the beautiful frost (freezing fog or rime frost) that set in on Saskatoon in late November – but some might also surprise you.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) connects ordinarily mundane devices to the Internet to give you greater knowledge and control of their functions.The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is simply the IoT in an industrial setting. But unlike consumer-grade appliances like refrigerators and toasters, industrial machinery and scientific instrumentation require a few more checks and balances.
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Water testing is a hugely complex process involving multiple types of complex scientific instruments that require a significant technical understanding to operate. These complexities sometimes give rise to uncertainty in water test results, and this is where it's important that testing is done through an accredited lab. Learn why.
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You may be familiar with the gadgets a home 3-D printer can produce, but engineering 3-D printed parts for industry is a different game. With strength and stiffness requirements, load-carrying parts and mechanical components are slow to find their way to critical applications. Learn more.
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In celebration of the Pipe Flow Technology Centre's 60th Anniversary, we're diving back in time to share the people, the projects and technologies that have, over the past six decades, helped mining and other resource developers study their slurries and test processes for safe, cost-effective extraction, transport and processing. Read on.
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Many industries in western Canada face corrosion problems due to the frequent exposure of metal alloys to water, salt, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and lesser well-known sulfur compounds. In our lab, we test metal corrosion by simulating the environment in which it will be applied. Learn more.
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2020 was a year for the record books, and one none of us will soon forget. We spent our days starting in March at home, in the yard or awfully close to home. Let’s look back at the weather we experienced in a year we were so glad to see the end of.
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Managing passwords across multiple websites has long been a challenge for internet users. Two-factor authentication helps prevent the unauthorized use of your login username and password. If you think of your password as the first “factor” then adding one more step is the second or “two-factor.” Learn more.
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To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we want to inspire women and girls to think about science and technology as a viable educational and career opportunity. Read about some of the women within our offices and labs doing remarkable things in STEM that benefit industry, our communities and the world.
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Welcome to part two of our feature on International Day of Women and Girls in Science, highlighting just some of women at SRC working in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
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Many mining operations experience significant maintenance and performance problems with their materials handling equipment. High heat, dust and vibration can wreak havoc on equipment, as do the tough materials the equipment handles. Learn how engineering experts at SRC solved a client's legacy equipment challenge, combining old and new engineering principles.
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SRC's Enhanced Oil Recovery team uses a stage-gated approach to help small-to-medium enterprises develop their technologies and evaluate technical, market and commercial factors. This helps our clients save time and accelerate adoption. Learn about what's involved.
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We’re celebrating Saskatchewan's landscape with a list of great activities and interesting facts. The diverse landscapes across our province create unique ecosystems, filled with colourful flora and fauna—read on to learn how you can help and enjoy the natural wonder of the place we call home.
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Government energy regulators are demanding substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from industry. While carbon dioxide is a concern, methane poses a bigger problem because it absorbs significantly more energy and has a great impact on global warming.
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SRC’s Safety Awards Program was created to recognize employees who have contributed to improving safety at SRC. Learn more about the program and how it's contributed to making SRC a safe place to work.
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This blog post is the second installment in a two-part series about methane emissions. In the first post , we looked at how methane emissions are created and why there’s a push to reduce them. In this...
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