Did you know that lighting accounts for about one-third of an average home’s energy use? With so many different options for light bulbs on the market, it's hard to know which one is the best. We share seven reasons why people should consider switching to LEDs, the fastest growing tech in this sector.
Energy is an intrinsic part of our daily lives, and it has become so common to simply make toast or coffee in the morning that we often forget how valuable energy is. For National Cut your Energy Costs Day on January 10, 2017, we are sharing seven ways to reduce your energy costs.
There are several off-grid communities and industrial sites in Saskatchewan that use diesel generators to meet their electrical power needs. But what if there was a more efficient way to generate power? SRC developed the Hybrid Energy Container (HERC) Power System in response to this challenge and put it to work at one of the mine sites they're remediating to demonstrate the technology.